’It only takes one:’ COVID-19 cases continue to surge among First Nations in Manitoba – Winnipeg Sun

Nov 09, 2020

David Monias has barely slept in weeks.

The Pimicikamak Cree Nation chief says his phone rings off the hook day and night from people fearful the COVID-19 pandemic is silently spreading into the isolated northern Manitoba reserve.

“This is a war,” Monias says. “But it’s a different type of war. It’s not an enemy you can see.”

There’s been a massive surge of COVID-19 infections in Manitoba over the last few months, prompting increased restrictions and stark warnings from health officials. In recent weeks, a significant proportion of those new cases have been in First Nations populations.

Read More: https://winnipegsun.com/news/provincial/it-only-takes-one-covid-19-cases-continue-to-surge-among-first-nations-in-manitoba

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