Zhiibaahaasing First Nation celebrates groundbreaking of new water treatment plant – ReNew Canada

Representatives from the Zhiibaahaasing First Nation and Indigenous Services Canada marked the official groundbreaking of the community’s new water treatment plant and major upgrades to its water distribution system.

The new water treatment plant and expanded distribution system will support reliable access to drinking water throughout the community. These upgrades are part of the broader commitment by Zhiibaahaasing First Nation to invest in the health and well-being of its people by supporting access to safe water for years to come.

Indigenous Services Canada is supporting this project with an investment of over $47 million. This investment reflects the Government of Canada’s commitment to address the long-standing challenges faced by First Nations communities regarding water security and infrastructure.

Read More: https://www.renewcanada.net/zhiibaahaasing-first-nation-celebrates-groundbreaking-of-new-water-treatment-plant/

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