Yukon to Release H1N1 Vaccinations

October 21, 2009

WHITEHORSE – Yukon health centres will begin administering the H1N1 vaccine on October 26, Health and Social Services Minister Glenn Hart announced today.Health Canada authorized the release of the vaccine today, and Canada’s medical officers of health followed by endorsing use of the vaccine in their own jurisdictions.

“I am pleased at the speed with which federal authorities moved to obtain, test and release the vaccine,” Yukon Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley said. “As Yukon is starting to see a rise in influenza, the timing for protecting Yukoners could hardly be better.

The seasonal flu vaccine will be offered at the same time as the H1N1 flu vaccine, for convenience to Yukoners.

“Yukon is ready to start administering the doses,” Hart added. “We have 55,000 doses on hand, enough to vaccinate every Yukoner who wants or needs the vaccine, and we are encouraging all Yukoners to get vaccinated.”

The H1N1 vaccine was produced by pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline at its Quebec plant.

The H1N1 immunization campaign will start unrolling in community health centres starting on Monday, October 26. Clinic dates, locations and times will be advertised in newspapers and on the Health and Social Services web site at www.hss.gov.yk.ca.


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications

Dr. Brendan Hanley
Medical Officer of Health

Marcelle Dubé
Communications, Health & Social Services

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