You probably eat twice the recommended salt per day. Here’s how to cut back – CBC

Most of the salt in our diets comes from restaurants and processed foods

Mar 18, 2023

Do you know how much salt you ate today?

Chances are it was more than one teaspoon, or five grams, which is the recommended daily intake of sodium from the World Health Organization (WHO).

A recent report from the WHO said that Canadians, on average, are consuming 9.1 grams of salt per day — nearly twice that recommended amount.

And the majority of that salt — more than 75 per cent — is coming from restaurant meals and processed foods, dietary experts say.

“The first thing I remind my patients of is that most of the salt they’re getting is probably not the salt that they’re adding. It’s the salt that’s already in their food,” said Dr. Mary Sco, a family medicine resident at Women’s College Hospital, who also has a PhD in nutritional sciences.

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