Year-round garden provides free fresh vegetables to hundreds on Manitoba’s Opaskwayak Cree Nation – CBC

2016 pilot project now permanent, feeds 125 families with produce

Apr 03, 2018

Stephanie Cook didn’t know what kohlrabi was and had never eaten a brussels sprout three years ago, but now she not only eats them — she grows them for hundreds of people in her northern Manitoba community.
“I knew what romaine lettuce was, I knew what green lettuce was, I knew what onions were, I knew what potatoes were,” said the operations manager of Opaskwayak Cree Nation’s year-round vertical vegetable farm. “Now it’s like I have this whole big list of vegetables I use. That’s kind of something that I never thought would happen.”

The pilot project kicked off in 2016 with just seven plants grown under LED lighting in hydroponic Styrofoam planters. The indoor growing facility in OCN’s community hall now has more than 75 plants that supply free, fresh produce to 125 families on a regular basis.

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