Year in review 2023: March and April – The Sudbury Star

Jan 02, 2024

2: Three North Bay women are sharing a $1 million lottery prize. Patti Chamberlain, Judith McIntyre and Karin O’Reilly have been playing as a group for six years.

4: The local health unit is calling on the province to increase social assistance rates and revisit the basic income program, because people are struggling to feed themselves.

4: A large amount of ash trees will be cut down at the North Bay Waterfront and outside City Hall this summer due to infestation. The emerald ash borer has had a profound impact on the trees in North Bay, according to Nick Schiavone, the city’s director of public works and parks.

7: The province announced $61 million in combined funding for six projects by Bell Canada, the Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre and Keewaytinook Okimakanak.

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