World Cancer Day 2024: Close the care gap – FNHA

Feb 01, 2024

How we’re working to improve cancer care for First Nations p​eople in BC

Sunday, February 4th marks World Cancer Day—a time to raise awareness of cancer, to honour the spirits lost to cancer and acknowledge the grief of their loved ones, and to show support for and send strength to those currently enduring cancer journeys. We can also celebrate those in remission and their continued wellness, and acknowledge and honour the challenges that cancer patients, their families, and survivors face every day, not just on World Cancer Day.

This year’s theme for the day, “Close the Care Gap,” aligns with what we’re working towards at the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). Closing the care gap, or, in other words, achieving fair and equitable health care that is culturally safe and free of racism or discrimination, is the FNHA’s main goal.

The FNHA continues to work with First Nations people in BC to transform the healthcare system and close the gap in health care outcomes. Together, we are persevering and making progress toward addressing or shedding light on ways to improve access to health care services, education, employment, and other social determinants of health.

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