Woman living in chronic pain says N.S. health care plagued by sexism, ageism and ‘dangerous’ apathy – CBC

Laura O’Byrne has been seeking help for painful fibroids, ovarian cyst for more than a year

Dec 06, 2024

Laura O’Byrne chokes back tears as she recalls walking the woodsy trails of Nova Scotia’s South Shore with her two mastiffs just over a year ago, having finally realized her dream of retiring by the ocean.

But now, the 58-year-old spends most days lying down with excruciating pelvic pain in her home in Shelburne County, unable to bend over to tie her shoes and wearing a diaper due to urinary incontinence, often crying about the uncertainty of her health.

O’Byrne said it doesn’t have to be this way, but Nova Scotia’s health-care system has failed her at every turn.

“It’s been a nightmare,” she said. “This is straight-up negligence.”

O’Byrne has countless fibroids — growths around her uterus, which itself is three times larger than normal — and a large ovarian cyst.

But she’s met a number of roadblocks in treating her issues, including being dismissed by a Nova Scotia gynecologist and denied an out-of-province claim to MSI for an urgent hysterectomy to remove her uterus in her home province of Manitoba.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/laura-obyrne-healthcare-1.7401863

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