May 10, 2021
ST. JOHN’S, N.L. — Rigolet is a close-knit Labrador community of about 300 people where everyone knows each other. It should be a place where people feel safe, but resident Desiree Wolfrey says she’s constantly warning her three daughters to be on guard.
“I’m always telling them to be wary of where you are and who you’re with, and to be careful,” Wolfrey said in a recent interview.
Labrador has a staggeringly high rate of sexual assault — more than four times the national average, according to data supplied to The Canadian Press by the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and the RCMP. And the numbers show it’s rising.
Women and girls in the region live with the threat every day, Wolfrey said. She runs Kirkina House, Rigolet’s small women’s shelter, and the figures from the police aren’t surprising to her. “I know most people don’t go to the police, so it’s a lot higher than that,” she said.