Winnipegger helps Indigenous man having heart attack, calls out those who didn’t – CBC

Aug 17, 2016

‘You can deny that there’s racism all you want but the fact is, people are driving by it every day, literally’

A Winnipeg man who pulled over in rush hour traffic to help an Indigenous man having a heart attack on a downtown sidewalk believes racism kept others from helping.

“As a Caucasian man, if I’m having a heart attack on the street, I’m pretty confident that somebody’s going to come out and help me — that many people are going to come out to help me and ask me if I’m OK,” said David Jacks, who helped a man having a heart attack on Smith Street near Portage Avenue on Monday.

“It’s because he’s an Aboriginal man, lying on the street downtown … Winnipeggers have become so desensitized to their own racism.”

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