Windsor’s complex mental health care system not getting fixed fast enough, says CMHA – CBC

Mahoney inquest sparks ‘very serious discussions’ about improving mental health services

Oct 03, 2022

People seeking mental health help in Windsor-Essex may encounter a complex system — a problem local service providers have been trying to fix for at least three years.

One change community partners have been working on is creating a more coordinated approach to mental health care. In an ideal world, it shouldn’t matter which agency someone calls first as long as they get to the most appropriate service, according to Sonja Grbevski, CEO of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Windsor-Essex Branch.

“What we’re trying to do is avoid people having to keep re-telling their story because that in itself is traumatizing,” said Grbevski.

“Historically, you would have to maybe go to two or three different agencies before you land on what is the service for you. So what we want to do is get in the front of that,” she said, adding a person may have previously told their story six or seven times before getting the support they needed.

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