Press Release
16 August 2023
The Department of Health would like to remind residents of Nunavut of a number of active wildfires across the country, including in the territories. In addition to the location of the fires, other factors such as wind direction and speed can influence which communities may experience wildfire smoke. Conditions can also change quickly.
Smoke exposure can irritate your eyes, make breathing more difficult, and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases. People at risk of more health impacts include elders, pregnant women, children, and people with pre-existing respiratory and heart conditions.
You can reduce your exposure to smoke by avoiding strenuous outdoor activities and staying indoors with windows and doors closed.
You can protect your indoor air quality by doing the following:
Anyone experiencing a change with more serious symptoms such as chest pain or shortness of breath should go to their local health centre immediately.
For more information about the Air Quality Health Index, visit the Government of Canada’s website.
Media Contact:
Danarae Sommerville
A/ Manager of Communications
Department of Health