Wildfire Smoke Exposure Advisory for Residents of the North Slave Region, Thebacha Region and Yellowknife Region

Press Release

North Slave Region (including Wekweètì – Whatì – Behchokǫ̀), Thebacha (including Ft. Smith – Salt River Reserve) and Yellowknife Region are experiencing environmental smoke exposure from wildfires. The amount of smoke may change due to weather conditions.

Exposure to smoke is highest in people who are physically active outdoors (including outdoor workers). Exposure can quickly result in sore eyes, tears, cough, and runny nose. People at risk of more severe health impacts include young children, the elderly. people with diabetes, lung or heart conditions, and potentially pregnant women.

You can reduce your exposure to smoke by avoiding strenuous outdoor activities and staying indoors with windows and doors closed.

Anyone experiencing serious symptoms such as wheezing, chest discomfort, or shortness of breath should go to their local health centre.

Environment Canada monitors air quality and provides guidance for outdoor activities based on the Air Quality Health Index:

You can find additional information on the health effects of smoke at:

For any community not listed, we are continuing to monitor air quality.

For more information contact:

Jeremy Bird
Manager, Communications
Department of Health and Social Service
Government of the Northwest Territories
(867) 767-9052 ext 49034


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