Why clearing out spoiled food may not be enough after disasters – GLOBAL

August 16, 2024

Jasper, Alta., residents are expected to return to their community on Friday to see what remains following a devastating wildfire. And while some will be able to enter their homes again, they’ll likely find more than smoke or water damage – many will need to get rid of spoiled food.

When the town was evacuated some three weeks ago, food was left in fridges and freezers. As electrical service was interrupted during the firefight, that food – produce, meat and dairy among other things – will have gone bad.

Connie Shields of Fort McMurray, Alta., faced a similar situation when she returned home after being evacuated due to wildfires in 2016. She says it was not a pleasant experience.

“I walked in and within minutes the smell of the fridge would knock you sideways, it was horrific,” she said, adding meat in the fridge was one of the worst culprits.

Read more: https://globalnews.ca/news/10700225/jasper-wildfires-food-safety-fridge-disposal-disaster/

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