What We Heard report now available for Proposed Animal Protection and Control Act regulations

Press Release


The Government of Yukon has released the What We Heard report following the collection of feedback from Yukoners on proposed Animal Protection and Control Act regulations.

The input received emphasized the importance of collaboration, education and a relationship-based approach to animal welfare and control while fostering growth within the agriculture industry.

Between June and September 2023, the Government of Yukon extended invitations to the public, asking respondents to provide feedback on the following topics:

  • banning of cosmetic surgeries;
  • prohibition, restriction (permit required) or allowance (no permit required) of exotic species;
  • standards of care for dogs; and
  • standards of care for livestock.

Input is being used to help inform the drafting of the regulations and provides context to guide partnership agreements and enforcement policies. The Act will come into force in early spring once the regulations have been finalized.

Thank you to all Yukoners who shared their insights and perspectives on animal welfare and the responsibility of owners to control their animals. Your voices contribute significantly to the development of regulations that better protect the safety of Yukoners and the welfare of their animals across the territory.

Minister of Environment Nils Clarke

Input from the agriculture sector shows us the importance of the new Animal Protection and Control Act and regulations. This input helps us modernize legislation to reflect a true Yukon-based perspective that will safeguard domestic animals, protect public safety, and continue to support sustainable livestock production in line with national farmed animal welfare standards.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources John Streicker

Quick facts

  • The Animal Protection and Control Act reflects Yukoners’ expectations of an enforcement framework with improved tools to control animals and address public safety concerns in their communities.
  • The Government of Yukon has been working towards modernizing this legislation for several years. In 2018, the government engaged Yukoners through a public survey, receiving over 900 responses.
  • The Animal Protection and Control Act was passed in the fall 2022 sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly and will come into effect when the regulations are complete.
  • The Act will replace existing legislation, including the Dog Act, the Animal Protection Act and the Pounds Act and fill gaps in the framework of laws affecting animals.
  • Throughout 2023, Government of Yukon officials met with Yukon First Nations and local governments, partners, industry and stakeholder groups about the regulations that will affect them.
  • Key stakeholder groups potentially affected by new regulations were invited to engage and 29 provided a response.
  • Department of Environment officials gathered feedback from animal rescue organizations, dog musher associations, boarding facilities, a pet store, the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon, the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board, the Yukon Fish and Game Association, the Yukon Outfitters Association and the Association of Yukon Communities.
  • The Department of Energy, Mines and Resources obtained input and feedback with the agriculture sector, with virtual and in-person meetings to discuss elements related to livestock. They gathered input from the Yukon Agriculture Association, Growers of Organic Foods Yukon, Klondike Farmers Forum, Game Growers Association, Equine Association of Yukon and individual stakeholders.

Media contact

Jordan Owens
Cabinet Communications

Linea Volkering
Communications, Environment

Kate Erwin
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources


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