Western University mandating COVID-19 booster shots, masking ahead of fall term – CBC

Masks will be required in classrooms and seminar rooms for first five weeks

Aug 22, 2022

Western University is implementing vaccine and masking requirements this September for students, faculty, staff and some visitors.

The London, Ont., university is requiring those returning to campus to be vaccinated for COVID-19 twice with an additional booster. There is also a mask mandate in place in classrooms and seminar rooms for the first five weeks of class followed by a reassessment.

“Considering that the general population is at 50 per cent in terms of their booster shot, we think it’s not too much of an effort to get where we want to get,” said Florentine Strzelczyk, provost and vice-president (academic).

The policy takes effect as of Monday, however the campus community has until October 1 to submit current proof of vaccination to the university.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/western-university-london-mandatory-vax-1.6559099

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