We’re close to cold and flu season. So, what does that look like with COVID-19 in the mix? – CBC

Scientists bracing for high influenza rates, but it’s unclear exactly how fall and winter will play out

Sep 05, 2022

For several years, pandemic restrictions and social distancing helped keep a variety of respiratory viruses at bay, even as rates of COVID-19 ebbed and flowed. Influenza largely disappeared until early 2022. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection rates were close to zero for months.

Now, we’re entering uncharted territory.

Most restrictions are lifted, global travel has bounced back, and mandates for masks and boosters are few and far between. This fall and winter, with society largely reopened, scientists say they suspect we’ll experience the return of cold and flu season — this time around, with another respiratory pathogen in the mix.

But how exactly the months ahead will play out is tough to predict.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/cold-flu-season-covid-1.6567256

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