Waterloo Region’s first Indigenous child and family centre is now open – Exchange Magazine

April 4, 2019

The region’s first child and family centre to offer Indigenous children opportunities to engage in their culture opened its doors on Tuesday.

Anishnabeg Outreach’s Child and Family Centre will offer the same core services as EarlyON child and family programs, but in a way that its CEO says is culturally responsive and supportive of Indigenous children and families.

“Our centre will develop early learning programs associated with traditional and land-based wisdoms and skills,” said Stephen Jackson, CEO of Anishnabeg Outreach, the organization that manages and operates the centre. “For this we will rely on the guidance of Indigenous Elders, Knowledge Keepers and educators.”

Services will include free drop-in programs for parents and children up to age six that relate to engaging parents and caregivers, supporting early learning and development, and making connections to services in the community.

Read More: http://www.exchangemagazine.com/2019/week14/Thursday/19040414.htm

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