Water advisories removed in Slate Falls with opening of new treatment plant – Tbnewswatch.com

Opening of new water treatment plant has resulted in 11 long-term drinking water advisories being lifted in Slate Falls First Nation.

SLATE FALLS FIRST NATION, Ont. – Long-term drinking water advisories that had been in effect in a Northwestern Ontario First Nations community for more than a decade have been lifted.

A new water treatment plant in Slate Falls First Nation officially opened on Tuesday, allowing nearly a dozen drinking advisories that had been in place for the community to be removed last month after final testing was completed earlier this year.

The community, located 550 kilometres north of Thunder Bay in the Kenora district, had been serviced by pump houses built 20 years ago but each of those had been under advisories since 2004.

“There were 11 of them throughout the community but all of them had long-term drinking water advisories on them because none of the systems were functioning in a way that was able to make the water clean,” said Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott, who travelled to the community for the opening.

Read More: https://www.tbnewswatch.com/local-news/water-advisories-removed-in-slate-falls-with-opening-of-new-treatment-plant-856027

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