Walpole Island gets $30000 for warming shelter – Wallaceburg Courier Press

Apr 30, 2021

Walpole Island First Nation has received $30,000 from the United Way of Sarnia-Lambton for its warming shelter.

The money, described by the Sarnia-based agency as a “critical service grant”, also came as the United Way donated $20,000 for the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Sarnia for its food bank program.

Jason Killingsworth, the United Way’s volunteer president, said the warming shelter on Walpole Island was set up earlier this year to meet the growing demand of a homelessness program.

Since the warming shelter opened, more people have used it, he said.

Killingsworth said United Way funding will be used to help in the cost of completing renovations at the shelter to safely allow women to stay there, and, will help cover some of the administrative expenses to ensure the safety of those staying at the shelter.

Read More: https://www.wallaceburgcourierpress.com/news/local-news/walpole-island-gets-30000-for-warming-shelter

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