Walking With Our Sisters exhibit offers path to healing – Daily Herald Tribune

June 13, 2018

The first time Wendy Goulet saw Walking With Our Sisters, she knew she wanted it to come to Grande Prairie.

Conceived by Metis artist Christi Belcourt, the travelling art exhibit features vamps, or moccasin tops, to commemorate the more than 800 Indigenous women reported missing or murdered in Canada over the last 20 years. Goulet, who lost her teenage cousin, first saw the exhibit when it debuted in Edmonton in 2013.

“It blew me away then,” she said. “Once you go in there, you can feel the lives, you can feel the care that went into the vamps. People made them in memory of someone in their family or somebody they know.”

Walking With Our Sisters opened at the Grande Prairie Art Gallery on Friday. Goulet was there, and she reflected on her 16-year-old cousin, Krystle Knott, who went missing from the West Edmonton Mall in 2005.

Read More: http://www.dailyheraldtribune.com/2018/06/13/walking-with-our-sisters-exhibit-offers-path-to-healing

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