WAHA Medical Transportation: 2024 Summer Transportation Schedule

Press Release

May 27, 2024

Boat Transportation services to and from Weeneebayko General Hospital (WGH) are provided for Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program patients and their escorts, Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) business travellers and non-status patients attending appointments.

Everyone traveling on flight 704 to Kingston must check in with Air Creebec no later than 2 p.m. for 3 p.m. departure. All passengers must provide a valid ID to the ticket agent before boarding the flight.


  • Boat runs will depart on time and will not be delayed for any reason other than inclement weather or mechanical issues. Individuals who arrive late will be denied boarding and will need to travel at their own expense. Patients/escorts must arrive 15 minutes before departure time.
  • There is a limited number of seats. Children without scheduled appointments cannot accompany clients (parents).
  • No pets, alcohol, or illegal substances allowed.

Travel Warrants:

  • All travelers must present a Travel Warrant to the driver.
  • WAHA staff and business travelers must email their travel warrant at least two days in advance to WAHA-local-drivers@waha.ca (remember to have a copy of the Travel Warrant to show the driver as well).

Bags, luggage, and parcels:

  • One (1) carry-on and one (1) piece of luggage weighing no more than 25 pounds are allowed. Exception for patients with medical supplies or medical equipment.
  • Passengers are responsible for making alternate transportation arrangements for any extra bags/parcels weighing over 25 pounds (excluding business travelers who require tools to perform their job – prior notice must be provided to Air Creebec).

Weekday Schedule

7:30 a.m. 7:45 a.m. DAILY • Moosonee Dialysis pts  (Mon.Wed.Fri.)
•  Staff travel (last run 7:55 a.m.)
DAILY •  Patients from Moosonee Hostel to WGH
8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. •  Patients from Moosonee Health Centre to WGH
•  Physicians/visiting specialists to Moosonee Health Centre at 8:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. DAILY •  Patient discharges: WGH to Moosonee Health Centre & Moosonee Hostel
•  Due to conflicting responsibilities, the 10:00 a.m. run for Moosonee patients
attending appointments at WGH will not be available during boat season. The
Moosonee Clinic Staff will provide a travel warrant for patients/escorts for this
time slot only for a public boat taxi from Moosonee to Moose Factory and return
or patients/escorts can pay their own way over, obtain a receipt from the public
boat taxi driver, and submit for reimbursement from the Moosonee
Administration Office.
11:00 a.m. 11:15 a.m. DAILY •  Patient discharges: WGH to Moosonee Health Centre & Moosonee Hostel
DAILY •  Patients from Moosonee Hostel to WGH
12:30 p.m. 12:45 p.m. •  Patients from Moosonee Health Centre to WGH
•  Flight 704 Kingston passengers from Moose Factory
1:00 p.m. 1:15 p.m. DAILY •  Physicians/visiting specialists to Moosonee Health Centre
•  Patient discharges: WGH to Moosonee Health Centre & Moosonee Hostel
2:00 p.m. 2:15 p.m. DAILY • Train passengers
•  Patient discharges: WGH to Moosonee Health Centre & Moosonee Hostel
•  Physicians/visiting specialists for Flight 704 Kingston
3:00 p.m. 3:15 p.m. DAILY •  Patient discharges: WGH to Moosonee Health Centre & Moosonee Hostel
•  Physicians/visiting specialists to WGH at 2:45 p.m.
4:00 p.m. 4:15 p.m. DAILY •  Patient discharges: WGH to Moosonee Health Centre & Moosonee Hostel
•  Staff travel (last run 4:15 p.m.)

Patients/escorts discharged from WGH between 4:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. will be provided a travel warrant by the discharging department. Patient/escort is to provide local boat taxi driver with travel warrant. Local boat taxi driver will submit for reimbursement with medical transporation or finance.


For any discharges after 3:00 P.M. for patients/escorts requiring accommodations at the Moosonee Hostel, contact must be made with the Boreal

coordinator or Moosonee medical transportation driver BEFORE sending patients/escorts over in order to ensure there are accommodations available.

Patients/escorts discharged from WGH must be at WGH waiting no later then 4:00 P.M.

Weekend Schedule

10:00 A.M 10:15 A.M
3:00 P.M 3:15 P.M
Statutory Holiday Schedule
7:30 A.M. (Dialysis Patients) 7:45 A.M.
12:30 P.M. 12:45 P.M.
4:00 P.M. 4:15 P.M.


Extra runs will be made when a physician or nurse practitioner deems a patient as “medically urgent”.


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