Urban Indigenous people in Ontario now eligible for 2nd COVID-19 shot 3-4 weeks after 1st dose – CBC

May 11, 2021

Only on-reserve members were eligible for 2nd doses within 28 days under Ontario’s previous plan

Indigenous people in Ontario living in urban areas will be able to receive their second dose of COVID-19 vaccine within the three- to four-week interval recommended by manufacturers, the province announced Monday.

“If you are First Nations, Inuit or Metis, you should have priority no matter where you live,” said Jennifer David, who is a member of Chapleau Cree First Nation in northern Ontario, but lives in Ottawa.

In March, the province had increased the timeline between doses to 16 weeks, in line with recommendations by the National Advisory Committee on Immunization. Its March 19 statement said on-reserve First Nations members and remote and isolated First Nations communities would continue to receive a second dose within the range recommended by vaccine manufacturers.

Read More: https://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous/urban-indigenous-ontario-covid-19-second-dose-1.6022658

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