Event Date: Thursday, August 16, 2012
Inuit who live in the Ottawa community are welcome to attend the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Urban Inuit Community Hearing on August 16, 2012 from 9AM to 5PM.
The hearing will be in the Rideau Room (second floor) of the Sheraton Hotel at 150 Albert Street.
This Hearing will provide an opportunity for Residential School Survivors to share with the Commission and Canada the unique experiences of children who attended Residential School.This is also an opportunity for all Canadians, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, to learn more about and bear witness to the legacy of the Residential School system.
Health Canada Health Support Workers will be available on site.
For more information visit trc.ca or call Robbie at (613) 818-1610 email: robert.watt@trc.ca
Please feel free to distribute the attached poster.
> TRC Urban Inuit Hearing – Ottawa (pdf, 251.23 KB)