Toronto’s rejection from Ottawa on drug decriminalization has ‘dismayed’ some advocates. Here’s what they say the city should do now – The Star

May 20, 2024

Critics say the focus on decriminalization is an unhelpful distraction from the lack of progress on other solutions to the drug toxicity problem.

By Wendy GillisCrime Reporter, and Alyshah HashamCity Hall Bureau

With Toronto’s request to the federal government officially rejected, proponents of decriminalization for illegal drugs say they are “dismayed” the city has lost what they say is a key measure to fight the ongoing toxic drug crisis.

Colin Johnson, co-chair of the Toronto Harm Reduction Alliance — a grassroots organization composed of front-line workers, researchers and people who use drugs — said the group was “despondent” to see Ottawa’s refusal late Friday to grant Toronto’s request to decriminalize drug possession for personal use.

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