Toque Tuesday is here! It’s more than a toque, it’s an end to homelessness

TORONTO, Jan. 30, 2018 – Join Raising the Roof and our partner agencies across Canada on February 6th for Toque Tuesday as we sell toques, socks, and mittens in support of long-term solutions to homelessness.

Together, we can put an end to homelessness for the 235,000 Canadians who experience it each year.

What can I do on Toque Tuesday?

On Tuesday, February 6th, we invite you to attend the partner agency event in your community and buy a toque, as well as JOIN IN ON THE CONVERSATION! Share your #ToqueSelfie on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #ToqueTuesday, #rtrtoque, and @RaisingtheRoof.

Who is this year’s spokesperson?

This year, Raising the Roof is honoured to have Jesse Thistle as our official spokesperson for Toque Tuesday.

Jesse is Cree-Metis on his mother’s side and Scottish and Algonquin on his father’s side. Jesse is a P.E. Trudeau and Vanier Scholar, as well as a Governor General Silver Medalist. He is a Ph.D. student and the current Resident Scholar of Indigenous Homelessness at the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness where he recently drafted the National Definition of Indigenous Homelessness in Canada. Jesse uses his lived experience of homelessness and addiction to shape the way he approaches homeless studies, Indigenous history, social work, and addiction studies.

Jesse will be available for interviews on Monday February 5 and the morning of Tuesday February 6.

Where can I purchase my Toque?

From morning to night, volunteers from 38 community partner agencies across the country will take to the streets, shopping malls and transit hubs, encouraging passers-by to purchase toques, mittens and socks. A complete event listing is available. Toque items can also be purchased online [].

What items are available?

This year, we’ve got you covered from head to toe! Several different toques are available, as well as mittens, socks, and a brand-new baseball cap. Please visit the website for more information.

Where does the money go?

Since 1997, Raising the Roof’s Toque Campaign has raised over $8 million in support of long-term solutions to homelessness. With 50% of the gross proceeds benefiting community agencies across the country and remaining proceeds covering the cost of the campaign and supporting Raising the Roof’s national homelessness initiatives, toque purchases are making a real difference in the lives of thousands of Canadians each year.

About Raising the Roof:

Raising the Roof provides national leadership on long-term solutions to homelessness through partnership and collaboration with diverse stakeholders, investment in local communities, and public education. For more information, visit:

SOURCE Raising the Roof

For further information: MEDIA CONTACT: Joe Goulart, Director of Development and Communications, Raising the Roof, M: (416) 826-5276, O: (416) 481-1838,


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