Together in Wellness: Tripartite Committee on First Nations Health Interim Annual Report 2011-2012 – Summary

The British Columbia (BC) Tripartite Framework Agreement on First Nation Health Governance was signed in October 2011 as part of a sacred ceremony at the Capilano Longhouse on the traditional territory of the Coast Salish People in West Vancouver. It marked a critical moment of time, when BC First Nations, Health Canada and the BC Ministry of Health reaffirmed their commitment to work together in wellness, and to a shared vision for improved health outcomes of all First Nations in British Columbia. The Framework Agreement was grounded in the Transformative Change Accord: First Nations Health Plan(2006), the First Nations Health Plan Memorandum of Understanding (2006), the Tripartite First Nations Health Plan(2007), and the Basis for a Framework Agreement on First Nation Health Governance (2010).

This interim report represents the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Framework Agreement and reports on progress in the first year of the Agreement’s implementation. Due to the evolving nature of the process and the fact that this is the first report of the Tripartite Committee of First Nations Health (TCFNH), the report only focuses on key activities and successes over the past year. Future reports will become more robust and include reporting on new wellness indicators.

As the Parties continue down this innovative path, they will continue to work collaboratively to maintain focus and maximize the effectiveness of investments, programs, services, and innovations to promote wellness, disease prevention, enhanced primary care, and traditional health wisdom. They trust that their combined efforts will help them achieve a shared vision of healthy, self-determining, and vibrant BC First Nations and Aboriginal children, families and communities.

Download the report: Together in Wellness 2011-12 Interim Report | pdf download |


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