To: Ontario First Nations Communities – H1N1 Update and H1N1 vaccine information shared during zone teleconferences

From: First Nations Inuit Health – Ontario Region
Subject: H1N1 Update and H1N1 vaccine information shared during zone teleconferences
Date: October 28, 2009

Epidemiology Update

The provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Arlene King, has confirmed that the second wave of H1N1 is now in Ontario. More people are visiting their healthcare providers with influenza-like illness and more people are being hospitalized with complications from the flu. Province-wide, there are currently 31 hospitalizations due to H1N1. The average age of people who have lab-confirmed H1N1 is 18 years, the average age of hospitalization is 28 years, and the average age of death (though rare), has been 57 years.Cases of H1N1 have remained stable for many weeks on reserve but an upswing was noted last week. As of October 26, ten new cases of laboratory-confirmed H1N1 cases have been reported in eight communities in three zones (Moose Factory, Thunder Bay and South).

Download the attached document to read the full document.

Health Canada: H1N1 Update and H1N1 Vaccine Information – October 28, 2009 (PDF) 44.92 KB

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