Thunder Bay Regional breaks down barriers – Northern Ontario Medical Journal

March 26, 2018

“There’s an understanding that Native spirituality’s presence can help break down these pre-existing barriers, be it communications, cultural misunderstandings, or a fear of being in the institution.” – Michael Robinson, Spiritual Care Provider, Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre

Travelling for health care can be an added stress for anyone, but it can be particularly difficult for Indigenous patients in Northern Ontario where language and cultural barriers, unfamiliarity with the Western medical system, and going to a big city are overwhelming.
“They’re essentially walking into a building that is bigger than their community, so that’s a scary thought in itself,” said Michael Robinson, a spiritual care provider at Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

For years, Thunder Bay Regional has actively worked to break down those barriers, not in the least by creating Robinson’s position in the first place. Robinson is both a spiritual guide for Indigenous beliefs and a deacon in the Catholic Church. He was born in Sault Ste. Marie, and is a member of the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation in northwestern Ontario. Over the three years Robinson has helped Indigenous patients, his workload has increased as word of his presence spreads.

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