Press Release
The Government of Yukon is providing additional funding to ensure the Yukon Hospital Corporation can address the immediate pressures impacting surgeries and medical imaging programs in the territory.
At the direction of the Minister of Health and Social Services, additional investments are being made to ensure that Yukoners have timely access to the care and health services they require. This will ensure that imaging and surgical services will continue without disruption.
Recognizing that there is a regularly scheduled slowdown of surgical services planned for mid-December to early January, the Government of Yukon is working collaboratively with the Yukon Medical Association and the Yukon Hospital Corporation to ensure that services return to the previously anticipated levels from that point on.
Improving access to our health care system is a top priority for the Department of Health and Social Services and our partners. We continue to work together to ensure Yukoners have access to sustainable, person-centred health care. We deeply appreciate the dedication and commitment of the healthcare professionals in providing Yukoners with excellent care.
Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee
Supporting the capacity of surgical services and medical imaging is key to improving health outcomes and bettering the experiences of patients, physicians and their healthcare team members. Working together with our partners to reduce wait times and ensure staffing levels meet the demands of the system will greatly benefit the health and well-being of all involved.
President of the Yukon Medical Association Dr. Alex Kmet
With these joint efforts underway, we are strategically addressing the immediate pressures in our healthcare system, particularly in surgical services and medical imaging, while supporting our people and teams. Our aim is to reduce growth in wait times and service delays and we are working with our teams and system partners to develop plans to return to previously expected service levels. Going forward, we will need to be responsive as the environment continues to evolve.
Chair of the Board of Trustees, Yukon Hospital Corporation, Allan Lucier
Quick facts
Media contact
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Kim Sheridan
867-334- 8832
Jessica Apolloni
Communications, Yukon Hospitals