Press Release
National balance sheet and financial flow accounts, second quarter 2023
Household sector net worth—the value of all assets minus all liabilities—rose $256.4 billion or 1.6% to reach $15,970.1 billion in the second quarter.
Top five highlights from a new report on the health of Canadians, 2023
This release highlights key findings from the Health of Canadians report. While Canadians are living longer and most rate their general health as very good or excellent, many vulnerable groups (e.g., low income) are facing health challenges.
Employer pension plans (trusteed pension funds), first quarter 2023
The first quarter saw the market value of assets held by Canadian trusteed pension funds rise by $40.9 billion, or 1.9%, from the previous quarter to $2.2 trillion. Year over year, the market value of assets was down by 0.4%, or $9.6 billion.
Census of Environment: A framework for agroecosystem accounting
Agroecosystems are mosaics of different land covers and uses, including annual and perennial croplands and pastures and semi-natural habitat. These managed ecosystems deliver essential ecosystem services, contributing towards the provision of food for humans and livestock while also providing habitat for various species, climate regulation services, space for recreation and support for cultural heritage.
Weekly aircraft movements, August 26 to September 1, 2023
Weekly data on aircraft itinerant movements are now available for August 26 to September 1, 2023.