Press Release
Canadian Income Survey, 2020
The median after-tax income of Canadian families and unattached individuals was $66,800 in 2020.
Travel between Canada and other countries, January 2022
The number of international arrivals to Canada increased year over year in January 2022, but remained well below levels before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Economic and Social Reports, March 2022
The March 2022 issue of Economic and Social Reports is now available and contains six articles.
Food services and drinking places, January 2022
On a seasonally adjusted basis, sales in the food service and drinking places subsector decreased by 11.3% to $5.3 billion in January 2022 as restrictions due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19 persisted across the country. The majority of the decline stemmed from full-service restaurants (-22.9%). Sales also decreased in special food services (-10.7%), drinking places (-26.1%) and limited-service restaurants (-0.8%). Sales fell in each of the provinces with the largest declines being in Ontario (-15.4%) and Quebec (-22.8%).
Annual Survey of Environmental Goods and Services, 2020
Canadian businesses sold $19.5 billion worth of environmental and clean technology goods in 2020, while sales of related services accounted for $11.1 billion.
Pilot physical flow account for plastic material, 2012 to 2018
The pilot physical flow account for plastic material is a new environmental-economic account that estimates the flow of plastic through the Canadian economy. The account features breakdowns by product category, resin type, and province or territory, and it is a time series covering reference years 2012 to 2018.
Wholesale trade: Early indicator, February 2022
Given the rapidly evolving economic situation, Statistics Canada is providing an advance estimate of sales in the wholesale trade sector for February. The advance results for February indicate that wholesale sales rose 0.9%. The increase reflects higher sales in the food, beverage and tobacco; miscellaneous product; and machinery equipment and supplies subsectors.
Weekly aircraft movements, March 5 to 11, 2022
Weekly data on aircraft itinerant movements are now available for March 5 to 11, 2022.