Press Release
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on college finances for the 2020/2021 fiscal year
In 2020/2021, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian colleges reported a record decrease of $993.0 million in revenue (in constant 2020/2021 inflation-adjusted dollars), compared with the previous fiscal year. It was the largest loss reported since Statistics Canada started collecting data on college finances in 2001/2002 and was mainly due to a drop in revenues from fees and ancillary services. Consequently, colleges reduced expenditures by $1.05 billion from 2019/2020, which resulted in an overall surplus of $315.1 million for the 2020/2021 fiscal year.
Retail Commodity Survey, September 2022
Retail sales reached $62.0 billion in September, an increase of 6.8% compared with the same month in 2021. Higher sales were reported in 16 of the 19 commodity classes.
Monthly average retail prices for selected products, October 2022
Data on monthly average retail prices for selected products are now available for October.
Canadian potato production, October 2022
Canadian growers harvested a second consecutive record potato crop in 2022, as production rose 0.8% year over year to 123.0 million hundredweight due to slight increases in both seeded area and yield. Alberta (+8.9% to 26.8 million hundredweight) and Manitoba (+4.9% to 26.1 million hundredweight) both reported record production, as seeded areas rose to meet growth in processing demand. Alberta (21.8%) produced the largest share of Canadian potatoes, followed by Prince Edward Island (21.6%) and Manitoba (21.3%).
Traffic flow dashboard
Statistics Canada has launched the Traffic Flow Dashboard as a source of experimental statistics to provide information on the traffic flow on selected road segments in the cities of Calgary and Toronto.
Weekly aircraft movements, November 19 to 25, 2022
Weekly data on aircraft itinerant movements are now available for November 19 to 25, 2022.
Gross domestic product at basic prices, by census metropolitan area, 2019
Data on the gross domestic product at basic prices, by census metropolitan area, are now available for 2019.