Press Release
Births, 2022
In 2022, there were 351,679 live births in Canada, excluding Yukon. Similar to previous years, the proportion of boys (51.4%) was slightly higher than the proportion of girls (48.6%).
Research and development in Canadian industry: Intellectual property, 2021
Companies of all sizes and across all industries rely on patents, trademarks, and copyrights to protect their brands, research and development (R&D), creations and other intellectual property (IP). This protection allows companies to generate revenue through the selling or licensing of their IP, including intellectual property products, which can further strengthen their position in a competitive business environment.
New motor vehicle registrations, second quarter 2023
In the second quarter, Canadians registered 466,990 new vehicles, an increase of 8.1% from the same quarter in 2022 and an increase of 31.3% from the first quarter of 2023.
Dairy statistics, July 2023
Dairy statistics for July are now available for Canada and the provinces.
Deliveries of major grains, August 2023
Data on major grain deliveries are now available for August.
Milled wheat and wheat flour produced, August 2023
Millers milled 288 162 tonnes of wheat in August, while wheat flour production totalled 216 785 tonnes.
Oilseed crushing statistics, August 2023
Oilseed processors crushed 829 490 tonnes of canola in August. Oil production totalled 347 606 tonnes, while meal production totalled 491 813 tonnes.
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing: Flash estimate, August 2023
Given the rapidly evolving economic situation, Statistics Canada is providing an advance estimate of sales in the manufacturing sector for August. Advance results indicate that total manufacturing sales rose 1.0% in August. The largest increases were in the petroleum and coal product and food subsectors.
Wholesale trade: Early indicator, August 2023
Given the rapidly evolving economic situation, Statistics Canada is providing an advance estimate of sales in the wholesale trade sector for August. The advance results for August indicate that wholesale sales (excluding petroleum, petroleum products, other hydrocarbons and oilseed and grain) rose 2.6%. The increase reflects higher sales in the machinery, equipment and supplies subsector and the miscellaneous subsector.