Press Release
Provisional death counts and excess mortality, January 2021 to April 2023
In its commitment to keep Canadians informed of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, today Statistics Canada is releasing new and updated provisional data on deaths, excess mortality and causes of death from the Canadian Vital Statistics Death Database. This includes an update to the Provisional deaths and excess mortality in Canada dashboard, which brings recent insights into the trends in excess mortality together with interactive data visualization tools.
Monthly update: Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19
The Canadian Economic Dashboard and COVID-19 presents selected indicators to help monitor the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic activity in Canada.
Certified organic fruit and vegetable production estimates, 2022
Data on certified organic fruit and vegetable production estimates for 2022 are now available.
Survey of Municipal Land Use and Regulation, 2022
Data on municipal land use and regulation for 2022, conducted on behalf of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, are now available upon request.