The Daily Thursday, April 23, 2020

Press Release

April 23, 2020

Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: First results from crowdsourcing

Today, Statistics Canada is releasing the first results from a new source of crowdsourcing data that assesses how people living in Canada are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Canadian Statistical Geospatial Explorer

A new Statistics Canada interactive mapping tool puts our data in your hands. The Canadian Statistical Geospatial Explorer (CSGE), launched today, gives users the ability to explore, create custom maps and download geo-enabled data to power their own geospatial analytics and to inform decision-making about their areas of interest. The CSGE allows users to visualize data at granular levels such as dissemination areas and provincial-territorial health regions, as well as at more aggregated geographies.

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Food services and drinking places, February 2020

For the month of February, the onset of COVID-19 in Canada affected the Canadian food services and drinking places subsector minimally, lowering total seasonally adjusted sales by a negligible amount. The push for social distancing, self-isolation—and in some cases, quarantine—was only being considered at the time, unlike the current situation, where these measures are placing new and evolving pressures on consumers and the food service industry. The impacts of COVID-19 on the sector will be more noticeable in subsequent months.

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Detailed preliminary data on confirmed cases of COVID-19, January 15 to April 21, 2020

A revised set of preliminary data on the number of confirmed novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases reported by the provincial and territorial health authorities to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is now available. The set covers the period from January 15 to April 21, 2020.

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Natural gas transmission, storage and distribution, February 2020

Data for February on the transmission, storage and distribution of natural gas are now available.

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Commercial Rents Services Price Index, fourth quarter 2019

The Commercial Rents Services Price Index (2011=100) is now available for the fourth quarter.

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Farm Input Price Index, fourth quarter 2019

The Farm Input Price Index (2012=100) is now available for the fourth quarter.

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