Press Release
Study: Sources of income of racialized individuals 65 years and over in Canada, 2020
In 2020, racialized individuals aged 65 years and over received various sources of income in lower proportions compared to non-racialized individuals in the same age group. For example, 38% of older racialized individuals received benefits from private retirement income, compared to 66% of older non-racialized individuals.
Research and development personnel, 2022
Research and development (R&D) personnel play an important role in fostering innovation and technological advancements. In 2022, the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) personnel engaged in R&D reached 315,030 (FTEs), reflecting an increase of 11,310 FTEs (+3.7%) from the previous year. This growth marks the sixth consecutive annual increase and aligns with the rise in Canada’s gross domestic R&D expenditures, which grew by 9.0% to $51.7 billion in 2022.
Sawmills, November 2024
Lumber production decreased 6.0% from October to 3 996.8 thousand cubic metres in November. Production was down 10.9% from November 2023.
Using instrument mapping to fill data gaps in functional health
Statistics Canada’s Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) is conducted annually to provide current, detailed and comprehensive health information on the Canadian population. As part of this collection, the CCHS includes information on the functional health of Canadians. Functional health reflects the levels of ability people have in undertaking basic tasks across different areas of functioning, such as vision, mobility and speech.
Release of Longitudinal Weights for the Survey Series on People and their Communities, 2022 to 2024
Today, Statistics Canada is releasing a longitudinal weights file to further support the analysis of the Survey Series on People and their Communities.
Access to public transport by distance in Canada
The data in this release provide information on spatial access to public transport by walking distance and public transport carrying capacity, geography, gender, and selected demographic and socio-economic characteristics.