Press Release
Monthly Survey of Manufacturing, February 2024
Manufacturing sales increased 0.7% in February, led by the petroleum and coal product subsector as well as the electrical equipment, appliance and component subsector. The chemical subsector posted the largest decline.
Wholesale trade, February 2024
Wholesale sales (excluding petroleum, petroleum products, and other hydrocarbons and excluding oilseed and grain) were essentially unchanged (+0.0%), at $82.2 billion in February.
New motor vehicle sales, February 2024
New motor vehicle sales data for Canada and the provinces are now available for February. The New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey collects data on monthly sales (in dollars and units) of new motor vehicles in Canada by type of vehicle and by country or region of manufacture.
New motor vehicle sales, February 2024
New motor vehicle sales data for Canada and the provinces are now available for February. The New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey collects data on monthly sales (in dollars and units) of new motor vehicles in Canada by type of vehicle and by country or region of manufacture.
Social, economic and health perspectives on climate change
Climate change is a long-term shift in weather conditions that involves changes and variability in average weather conditions, including extreme weather events. The economy, labour, health and well-being are many aspects of Canadian society that both affect and are affected by climate change.
Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services Price Index, fourth quarter 2023
Data from the Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services Price Index (2020=100) are now available for the fourth quarter.
Traffic Flow Dashboard
Statistics Canada has launched the Traffic Flow Dashboard as a source of experimental statistics to provide information on the traffic flow on selected road segments in the cities of Calgary and Toronto.