The Daily Friday, December 8, 2023

Press Release

Experiences of Canadians with long-term symptoms following COVID-19

As of June 2023, the majority of Canadians had been infected by the virus causing COVID-19. Most people recover from their symptoms and are able to carry on with their lives, however, for many others, symptoms persist for months, often impacting their ability to work and their quality of life overall.

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Canadian Housing Statistics Program: First-time homebuyers, 2020

In British Columbia, the number of first-time homebuyers reached 25,315 in 2020, which represented a 28.0% increase from 2019.

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Industrial capacity utilization rates, third quarter 2023

Canadian industries operated at 79.7% of their production capacity in the third quarter, up slightly from 79.6% in the second quarter.

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National and provincial input-output multipliers, 2020

The national and provincial input-output multipliers for 2020 are now available.

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Households and the Environment Survey, 2021

Data from the 2021 Households and the Environment Survey related to environmental engagement, drinking water, water conservation practices, the use of thermostats, online purchases, the use of fertilizers and pesticides, composting practices, the presence of trees, bushes and hedges around the home, and homegrown fruit, herbs, vegetables and flowers are now available.

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Sawmills, September 2023

Lumber production increased 1.9% from August to 4 145.4 thousand cubic metres in September. Production was down 4.9% from September 2022.

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Real-time local business conditions, November 27 to December 3, 2023

Weekly data on real-time local business conditions are now available for November 27 to December 3, 2023.

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