50 people being treated with either suspected, confirmed, or latent cases
Jun 13, 2018
Fifty people in Nain are now being treated for tuberculosis, up from six suspected cases in April — although health officials say the spread of the disease is showing signs of slowing.
There are 23 people with either confirmed or suspected active cases, as well as 27 people with latent TB, meaning they don’t have any symptoms but still require medication.
“The number we’ve been picking up has been slowing down over recent weeks,” said Dr. Gabe Woollam, the vice-president of medical services with Labrador-Grenfell Health.
“I think when we’re dealing with an outbreak like this, we always expect to find more cases around after the initial case. And I think it’s an indication that our contact tracing and our screening that we’ve been doing is effective.”
Read More: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/nain-tb-outbreak-grows-1.4641833