Tam says cancelled AstraZeneca update was not related to safety concerns – CBC

National Advisory Committee on Immunization called off a press conference Tuesday after new data emerged

Apr 21, 2021

Canada’s chief public health officer said today the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recently postponed a planned update to its AstraZeneca guidance because it wanted to incorporate new data about COVID-19 variants — not because of any developments concerning the product’s safety.

NACI was poised to provide an update on the AstraZeneca shot yesterday but the press conference was cancelled abruptly just minutes before it was due to start, leaving reporters with questions about the sudden scheduling change.

Dr. Theresa Tam said NACI, the committee of expert volunteers charged with reviewing vaccines, didn’t call off the public appearance because of new safety issues or fears about the vaccine’s potential side effects.

Only minutes before the update was cancelled Tuesday, New Brunswick officials reported one new case of the rare blood clots found in a very small number of AstraZeneca recipients.

Read more: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/tam-astra-zeneca-update-cancelled-1.5996587

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