Sudbury mom shares concerns after daughter’s health card invalid at ER – CTV

Feb. 27, 2024

A mother from Greater Sudbury is sharing her story about a recent experience at the emergency department at Health Sciences North in Sudbury.

There was an issue with her sick daughter’s health card and she claims she was told to pay or leave.

“I was very concerned for Claire on that day. She was having trouble breathing and when she would cough it was getting so bad she would actually choke while coughing,” said the mother, who didn’t want to be identified due to privacy reasons.

The mother said she took a very sick Claire to the HSN emergency department on Jan. 17 at 2 a.m.

“I had a bad cough and when I coughed, I choked and I couldn’t breathe,” said Claire Clark, six years old.

The mother said when they registered at the emergency department there was an issue with Claire’s health card.

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