Sturgeon Lake youth leader awarded for mental health work –

October 26, 2017

Three years ago, Clifford Ballantyne could barely get out of bed. He had no motivation, and no self worth.

“I know how it felt,” the youth worker and mental health activist said.

“I felt like I was nothing. I couldn’t and didn’t want to get out of be. I didn’t want to talk about my mental health.”

In the three years since, Ballantyne has done more than just talk about his mental health. He has taken action, as one of the driving forces behind the ACCESS Open Minds Project and its local initiative in Sturgeon Lake. The national initiative ensures young people aged 11 to 25 have quick access to mental health support services in centres built by youth, for youth.

Now, he’s being recognized for his efforts. The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health named Ballantyne one of the 150 leading Canadians for Mental Health.

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