Studying the power of inclusive language in health care – Brighter World McMaster

August 9, 2022

In the health-care system, words have the power to help and heal, but they can also exclude and discriminate.

In reproductive care, gendered language is quite common and can serve as a barrier to accessing help and healing for some people, says Beth Murray-Davis.

The associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology is leading an interdisciplinary team to study the use of gendered language in health-care systems. The team is aiming to develop a Canadian consensus statement around gendered language that can be used by educators, health-care providers and researchers to support gender inclusive and gender-equitable language.

The consensus statement would serve two purposes: to address discrimination faced by transgender, non-binary and Two-Spirit people in the health-care system, while also preventing the erasure of women who continue to face challenges around reproduction and underrepresentation.

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