Claudine Santos – Founder of VIO Volunteers – ‘Masks in Every Community’

Interview with Claudine Santos – President of VIO Volunteers – ‘Masks in Every Community

VIO Volunteers, a new Canadian non-profit, that has launched Masks in Every Community – a drive to secure funds and the life-saving PPE needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

As for updates, VIO Volunteers is happy to say that, together with procurement partners such as Conquercovid19, they have given out:

  • 22,500 surgical masks
  • 350 face shields
  • Gloves and hand sanitizer to 12 communities and the Wabano Centre, which supports the urban Indigenous community.

VIO Volunteers have secured another 300,000 masks.  A majority will be given to Nishnawbe Aski Nation (which includes 49 Communities) and Nokiiwin Tribal Council. Others will be kept stockpiled and VIO Volunteers will be reaching out to more communities to learn their needs.  If your Community is in need of PPE, please contact

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