Stepping Stone Wellness Clinic Open House – Sunrise Health Region

The Stepping Stone Wellness Clinic is filling a need in Kamsack and the surrounding communities through the provision of team based services, co-located to provide accessible, respectful and integrated primary health care services.

In October, 2014, the Saulteaux Pelly Health Initiative began discussions on the need for continued service to clients in the Kamsack area due to the scheduled discontinuation of the Methodone Program. The Health Initiative is made up of representation from the Ministry of Health, Health Canada, leadership from the three First Nation communities in the area as well as Sunrise Health Region. As standards for programming and the clinic were being set, discussions began to center around a full understanding of the breadth of client needs. The Saulteaux Pelly Health Initiative is a governing body which continues to meet, sharing updates and continued discussions on community needs, with Sunrise Health Region in charge of clinic operations and day-to-day management needs.

The vision of the all- inclusive clinic became reality due to two very important factors – the availability of existing space in the Kamsack Hospital to provide a co-located and coordinated clinic space and funding of $36,000 provided by the Painted Hand Community Development Corporation towards the purchase of needed furnishings and equipment.

“The Painted Hand Community Development Corporation played an instrumental role and this could not have happened without their contribution,” states Gary Shepherd, Director of Mental Health and Addictions Services. “We are grateful for their generosity that has provided a place where our clients can access an environment that allows coordinated access to team-based care in one location that is client and family-centered.”

The Stepping Stone Wellness Clinic, named by a client through a survey submission, opened on September 6, 2016. It includes a screening room, 1 exam room, 5 talk rooms, dedicated lobby and storage space as well as a ceremonial room. The ceremonial room is a very special area opened to all clients and patients of the hospital 24 hours a day. Smudging (or cleansing) ceremonies can be held in the room and it can also be used, by request, to connect Elders with patients. The clinic area provides space for visiting programs and services, specialty physician services, and provides appointments and accepts walk-clients on dedicated methadone clinic days on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

“This very special clinic is a multi-disciplinary approach to holistic health care,” states Christina Denysek, Interim President and CEO. “It works to provide public health, primary care, mental health and treatment services for a variety of clients. This clinic exemplifies the importance of community and team efforts in working towards meeting area residents’ needs where they feel most comfortable to access them.”



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