Press Release
May 10, 2023
Two teams will move forward to the next stage of procurement for the St. Paul’s Hospital Front Entrance Project. The project’s scope includes an 8,353 ft2 expansion, consisting of a fully accessible and expanded front entrance, First Nations and Cultural Centre, and relocated gift shop. The project also includes 6,609 ft2 of interior renovations supporting Information and Security, Patient Registration, and additional washrooms.
“Our government is pleased to support the St. Paul’s front entrance project,” Health Minister Paul Merriman said. “The renovations will enhance the safety and accessibility for patients and visitors while also improving architectural appearance and integrity of the century-old building. The First Nation and Métis Cultural Centre will be a welcome addition to better meet patients’ cultural needs while accessing care.”
Two teams responded to the Saskatchewan’s Request for Qualifications, which closed on March 21, 2023.After evaluating the responses, two teams have been invited to move forward to the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage:
Both teams have a strong history and experience delivering major projects in Saskatchewan.
Graham Construction was founded in Saskatchewan in 1926. Graham has delivered projects such as the Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital in Moose Jaw, the Southwest Integrated Healthcare Facility in Maple Creek and the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital in Saskatoon.
PCL Construction Management Inc., founded in Stoughton in 1906, is a group of independent construction companies that form Canada’s largest general contracting firm. PCL is the Construction Manager for the Government of Saskatchewan’s Saskatoon Remand Centre project.
“We’re very excited to see the St. Paul’s Hospital Front Entrance Project moving into the RFP phase,” Saskatoon Riversdale MLA Marv Friesen said. “This project will ensure the front grounds and entrance meet the needs of the patients, families, visitors, and employees at the hospital.”
When the RFP closes on June 1, 2023, the proponent will be selected following the evaluation process.
“We are very appreciative of the capital funding support provided by Ministry of Health, St. Paul’s Hospital (Emmanuel Health) and St Paul’s Hospital Foundation to allow this important project to proceed. Moving the entrance project forward will mean increased accessibility and security for all accessing St. Paul’s Hospital,” Saskatchewan Health Authority Interim Vice President, Quality, Safety and Chief Information Officer Digital Health Michelle Mula said. “The renovations will not only add additional square footage to the main floor of the hospital, it will also provide necessary space for a First Nations and Métis Cultural Centre, thereby better meeting the needs of the surrounding community.”
“Emmanuel Health and St. Paul’s Hospital are proud partners of our community and the provincial Healthcare system, as such we believe that this St. Paul’s Hospital front entrance project will provide culturally appropriate space for holistic healing and community engagement,” Emmanuel Health President and CEO Corey Miller said. “The overall goal for this renovation is to improve patient flow and provide culturally appropriate space for the patients, families, and staff which Emmanuel Health and St. Paul’s Hospital serve. This aligns with our Emmanuel Health Vision to be a vital community of health, healing, and hope.”
The selected team will be announced once the RFP has closed, the evaluation process has been completed and an agreement has been reached with the successful proponent. The Award Notice will be posted publicly on
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SaskBuilds and Procurement
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Saskatchewan Health Authority
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