St. Anne’s residential school survivors express mixed feelings about Pope meeting with Indigenous delegates – CBC

Mar 28, 2022

Edmund Metatawabin’s path to healing is focused on reconnecting with his own culture

All eyes will be on the Vatican this week when Métis, First Nation and Inuit delegates meet with the Pope and other church officials, in part to seek an apology for the Roman Catholic Church’s role in running residential schools in Canada.

But Edmund Metatawabin won’t be paying close attention. He’s among survivors of St. Anne’s Indian Residential School, which operated in Fort Albany, Ont., from 1902 to 1976.

St. Anne’s history is marked with stories of physical and psychological abuse at the hands of the priests and nuns who ran the institution. Metatawabin has written a book about his own experiences at St. Anne’s, where he was forced to be for eight years, starting in 1956 when he was six years old.

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