Speakers Announced for National Forum on Changing World of Work
Press Release
From: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
January 7, 2025
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) will host Forum 2025: The Changing World of Work (Forum), May 27-28, 2025, in Calgary, Alberta.
Forum is a national two-day event unlike any other in Canada. Leaders, changemakers, and subject experts representing government, labour, and workplaces will come together to share their perspectives on current and emerging health and safety topics.
Speakers will share inspiring stories, anecdotes, and comprehensive approaches to critical health and safety issues impacting workplaces and workers in Canada.
The program, still in development, will feature the following speakers:
- Susan Aglukark, O.C., LL.B: Award-winning Inuk singer-songwriter on stories of her people, the Inuit of Arctic Canada, and themes of hope, spirit and encouragement shared through musical arrangements blended with the Inuktitut and English languages.
- Dr. Aviroop (Avi) Biswas: Scientist at the Institute for Work and Health on a recent study on the daily movement patterns of Canadian workers and which of these are associated with optimal heart health.
- Dr. Sandra Dorman: Director of the Centre for Research in Occupational Health at Laurentian University on heat stress as an occupational hazard.
- Dr. Sarah Henderson: Scientific Director of Environmental Health Services at the BC Centre for Disease Control on climate change and considerations and implications for occupational health.
- Xabier Irastorza: Senior Research Project Manager at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work on insights from the latest European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks (ESENER).
- Travis Woodworth: Health and Safety Planner at Glooscap Health and Safety on Indigenous perspectives on health and safety for workplaces and communities.
- Amin Yazdani, PhD, CSP: Executive Director of the Canadian Institute for Safety, Wellness, and Performance at Conestoga College on employing innovative research technologies to help ensure properly fitted personal protective equipment for all body types.
The event will also feature an innovation showcase to learn about new workplace health and safety tools and resources.
More information about the program and how to register is available at: www.ccohs.ca/forum.
Quick facts
- Forum is designed to be an intimate event, with opportunities to connect with others who share a passion for creating safe, healthy, and inclusive workplaces.
- Now in its eighth edition, this national forum is held approximately every two years, with the location rotated around the country.
- An early bird registration rate is available until February 14, 2025. A full-time student rate is also available.
- 98% of attendees rated Forum 2023 as excellent or were satisfied with the knowledge enrichment of the event, and 93% said they would attend a future Forum.
- CCOHS is governed by a tripartite council of governors and is Canada’s trusted source for the advancement of workplace health and safety and promotes the total well-being – physical, psychosocial, and mental health – of working people in Canada.
For more information (media only):
Jennifer Howse
Senior Communications Specialist
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
(289) 442-4057