New funding in 2015-16 to improve health care for people in our communities
The LHIN has engaged with health service providers throughout the investment planning process, gathering important input about investment options. Funding priorities are focused on targeted investments with the greatest potential impact on achieving the goals in our Integrated Health Service Plan.
Funding is aimed at improving access to family care, enhancing coordination and transitions of care, as well as driving safety through evidence-based practices, and ensuring value for money. Investments will work to:
(Complete list of investments with descriptions.)
“Part of our government’s Patients First strategy is about ensuring that the highest quality care is delivered in a way that puts patients’ needs at the centre of everything we do as health care workers. By investing in important local programs that help people and patients stay in their home and community for as long as possible, we are working to improve the patient experience as well as patient outcomes.” – Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
“In providing both base funding for community sector health service providers, as well as targeted investments, we are ensuring that providers have the resources they need to improve access to essential health care services in the South West LHIN.” – Jeff Low, Board Chair, South West LHIN
“These investments will assist our population to access the health services they need to allow them to live healthy and independently in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.” – Michael Barrett, CEO, South West LHIN.
For additional information:
Ashley Jackson
Director, Communications and Community Engagement
519-640-2604, 1-866-294-5446